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Self Reflection: Time Monitoring Worksheet

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Computer Science
Wordcount: 1039 words Published: 18th Aug 2017

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Time Monitoring Worksheet

Part 1: Monitor your time in hourly increments.





5 a.m.

Work work



6 a.m.




7 a.m.




8 a.m.




9 a.m.




10 a.m.




11 a.m.

11:00 to 11: 30 lunch

Volunteer at a counseling service

11:00-11-30 lunch

12 p.m.




1 p.m.

Work until 1:30



2 p.m.

Volunteer at a counseling service

Counseling/group work


3 p.m.

Volunteer at a counseling service

Counseling group work


4 p.m.

Rest/ nap



5 p.m.

Rest/ nap/reading


Home work

6 p.m.




7 p.m.

Praise team practice

Home work


8 p.m.

Practice over at 8:15



9 p.m.




10 p.m.




Time Monitoring Worksheet

Part 2: Reflection

On day four, review your completed Time Monitoring Worksheet in order to take a serious look at how you use your time each day.

Write a 250 – 500 word reflection on how you manage your time. Include the following in your reflection:

  1. What are some things you can do more efficiently?
  2. What are the main items/tasks that take up most of your time?
  3. Do you see areas in your daily routine where you can make adjustments to become more productive?
  4. Do you have any “black holes” that unnecessarily suck up a lot of your time?


I know there is a lot of thing I am involved in. Most of my time is spent not with friends, texting, talking on the phone, or on face book. In fact, lately I have scheduled time to visit my sons and grandchildren. The log sheet helped as a visual aide. Ross, S., Nibbling, B., & Heckert, T. (1999)” Major source of stress among students are interpersonal, intrapersonal, academic and environmental to the list in their research. They reported the top sources were changes in sleep habits, vacation, breaks, and increased work load”. This research was conducted more than seventeen years ago. It is relevant today. I have little time to get things done but to see it written. What take up most of my time is volunteering at a non-profit called HUGS. There is a struggle to give up volunteering at a non-profit because I love the work. I do realize I need to cut back on the hours. The log sheet does not reflect the group work due to the holidays. I feel pressured and conflicted to give up part of volunteering. I love working with client who have co-occurring and substance abuse disorders. I love group facilitation. Realistically, it is time to let go part of the counseling commitments at this site. Earning a master’s degree must take priority.

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There was a research conducted by Macan, T., Shahani, C., Diaphoye, R., & Phillips; A. (1999) “Their findings were students who perceived had control of their time reported significantly greater work and life ratification. They reported less role ambiguity, less role overload and fewer job induced and somatic tensions. Some of my stress is due to role ambiguity.” So, I have worked out a schedule. Monday, I will provide a revised schedule for the program director at this site. I have evaluated what is best practice for myself and clients. I will keep two clients, scheduled on the same day, anger management rotate with another facilitator,

RUNNING HEADING: Time Monitoring Essay 2

and continue weekly supervision. This schedule will provide criteria needed to continue certification as a certified clinical supervisor.

I have been wrestling with my decisions for over a week. This exercise helped to put into perceptive where the adjustments must be made. The volunteering is a positive black hole. While attending GCU, volunteering more than 10 hours becomes a black hole. The services I provide at the center is rewarding and career enhancing. I need time to be a good student. I cannot become a successful student without preparing and completing assignment.


Macan, T., Shahani, C., Diaphoye, R., & Phillips. A., (1999). College student’s time management: Correlations and academic performance and stress. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82(4), 760-768

Ross, S., Nibbling, B., & Heckert, T. (1990). Source for stress among college students. College Student Journal 33(2)6 chart 1


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