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The Bravery And Loyalty Of Macbeth

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: English Literature
Wordcount: 3769 words Published: 17th May 2017

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People watching the play in Shakespeare’s time would feel that Macbeth had no fear and is precious and worthy. ‘O valiant cousin, o worthy gentlemen’. This suggests and gives people the impression that Macbeth is a brave and steadfast warrior. People would also think that Macbeth is a staggering warrior in the battle and that he’s very successful and very resilient. People would also feel that Macbeth is a hammering and a successful person that needs no help therefore because of this he should be worshiped and treated as if he’s the God of the universe. People also at that time would also have good views of Macbeth because he showed a lot of bravery and became undefeatable. They would also have a good conclusion about Macbeth because he’s unstoppable and so no one in the area was able to prevent him from killing other people, leaving the area with dead people. People would also think that Macbeth is victorious and they would also think that the people in the battle deserved to die and that the people in the battle were as bad as a devil because it says ‘o worthy gentlemen’. This also means that Macbeth must have done something beneficial for people in such a high extent and it also suggests that Macbeth fought against what’s right and bad to be in such a high rank, to be well respected by people and so the dead people deserved to die.

Shakespeare’s uses a type a language called repetition because the word O is repeated. Also the word ‘Valiant’ are nowadays archaic, which means that it’s less common to be used. The purpose of that type of language is to make people think twice and also gives them a reminder and it makes it more focused for the audience to understand Macbeth’s impression and to keep it in their mind with ease.

In act one scene three the audience learn more about Macbeth, good points when he meets the witches because he shows his bravery. When he says ‘stays you imperfect speakers, tell me more’ this suggests that Macbeth is powerful because he’s shouting at the watches and telling the witches what to do. ‘Imperfect speakers’ suggests that the witches are just making false tales up and that the witches are being untruthful and unreliable about what they are saying, as a result it makes Macbeth assume that the witches are making false tales up and that the witches are lying but he’s eager to know and because he is powerful he is screeching at the witches and commanding the witches in an aggressive way to tell more about the story that Macbeth is going to be the king.

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Macbeth would appear in the scene with a lot of enthusiasm, excitement and with a lot of anger. When he sees the witches Macbeth would react in an enthusiastic way because the witches were telling him stories about his future. Macbeth would also find it alike about what he’s hearing also he would think that they’re clowns and are just here to make false stuff up, as a result it would make Macbeth entertained. Macbeth would speak as if he’s God because he’s all powerful. When Macbeth says ‘tell me more’ it suggests that Macbeth is angrily and desperately demanding the witches to tell him more about what they’re saying. The quote would also suggest that Macbeth at that time would move in an aggressive way and point at the witches to show and teach the witches that Macbeth is bigger, higher in rank and better and so he is to be well respected and honoured. ‘Tell me more’ also suggests that Macbeth would be speaking in a cocky way. Macbeth would also be moving in a threatening way and would say speeches like ‘if you don’t stay I will make you regret’ angrily to get his point across and to show that he is powerful. He would be saying all that because the witches were refusing to follow his instruction and that the witches were being very fast to try to leave the conversation.

Shakespeare uses exaggeration because in the quote it’s written in a more of a demanding way for Macbeth. The purpose of this is to force the witches to follow what Macbeth is saying and to show that Macbeth is interested also to get the witches buzzed.

In act 1 scene 3 we find out a lot more about how Macbeth feels when he’s told that he’s going to be the thane of Cawdor. Macbeth has become thane of Cawdor as third prediction by the witches. ‘If chance will have me king, why chance may crown me, without my stir’. This means Macbeth may become the king because the witches have also predicted this. He feels that the next the prediction that he’s going to become king can also be true and he feels confused but glad at the same time. Macbeth would also feel that what he heard is true; however he wouldn’t do anything to be the king. He would leave it all in luck. The quote also suggests that Macbeth isn’t really self-encouraged to do anything to be the king instead he would leave it all in luck to be the king, and also he would feel that there is not point for him to stir stuff up in anyway or to fight to be the king when there is no need because he is very powerful.

This is a rhetorical question, because Macbeth is asking himself that quote and the purpose of this is to make Macbeth think twice, does he think it’s worth it, what the consequences will be, how can he overcome?, what’s the benefit etc. Similarly the purpose is like taking a move in Chess because once you’ve done that there are a lot to think from and it gives you a buzz, impressions and it makes you ask yourself whether it’s worth it or not etc.

In scene 1 scene 7 Macbeth doesn’t want to kill King Duncan because he says ‘I am his kinsman and his subject’, this suggests that Macbeth is very closely related to King Duncan and that Macbeth has blood relationships with King Duncan and that they both go along with each other very strongly. To clarify Macbeth is trying to say I am a cousin of the king and I will serve him. The quote also suggests that King Duncan is like a father to Macbeth and so it’s Macbeth’s duty to take care of him and treat him with great respect as if he’s the slave of King Duncan. It also suggests that he can’t get along with the crime as he is the king’s man. The purpose of this language is to tell Lady Macbeth that Macbeth is a cousin of the king and so he’s doesn’t want to kill King Duncan.

At the beginning of the conversation Macbeth decides not to murder King Duncan, he says ‘we will proceed no further in this business’. This means that Macbeth will not take a step to follow her instruction and that he will take no tolerance with the conversation. It also suggests that Macbeth will definitely not going to murder King Duncan and he’s feeling guilty and scared of what he’s planning to do and so he doesn’t want to go any further.

His last speech to Lady Macbeth suggests that Macbeth is prepared to kill King Duncan; he says ‘I am settled’. This means that Macbeth is prepared, certain to kill King Duncan, steady and stable to go into action and kill King Duncan. This also suggests that Macbeth will stay 100 per cent focused on King Duncan to carry out the murder; also it suggests that Macbeth will be successful due to his focuses. The purpose of this language is to tell the audience how Macbeth feels and what he’s trying to say.

This changes because the first reaction of Macbeth suggests that he’s definitely not going to murder King Duncan and he thinks he’ll feel guilty, very hesitating and that he’ll take zero tolerance. But the last reactions of Macbeth suggests the opposite, Macbeth feels that he’s 100% certain to do it, also he’s eager and focused to do so. The reason why this changes because his ambition for power grows as well as being persuaded to do so. In the background Macbeth has a lot of loyalty and is honoured and well respected by others due to his bravery. He also has a lot of power and it grows dramatically and later he’s very eager to become the king. Later on even though his main ambition was to become king he doesn’t want to reach a stage where he thinks it’s bad. However his wife persuades him and argues against Macbeth, persuading him to kill King Duncan and eventually she manages to pull him to her side. Her wife uses a variety of techniques to persuade Macbeth so that he murders King Duncan. She accuses Macbeth of being a coward and soft because he doesn’t want to kill King Duncan and this has an effect on Macbeth and most her speeches that she says to Macbeth is totally the opposite of what people thinks of him, and therefore it makes Macbeth feel that what her wife is saying is right, and for Macbeth in order for him to prove that Lady Macbeth is wrong he must kill King Duncan. Eventually all that stirring up that her wife does to Macbeth has an huge effect, eventually, Macbeth decides to follow her instruction and do it because Macbeth wants to prove it wrong and therefore he wants to kill King Duncan.

In act 2 scene 1,the scene opens with some casual conversation which tells us that it’s very dark, and that something bad is about to happen. The audience must be in a way of state like as if they are watching a very horror movie; William Shakespeare made this scene scary just to match up with the killing of the king. But at the beginning of this scene it starts off with Banquo and his son Fleance in the courtyard of Macbeth’s castle, and Fleance is carrying a torch in this scene. Banquo asks Fleance, “How goes the night, boy? He’s not asking Fleance how he’s doing; he’s asking how late it is. Fleance hasn’t heard a clock strike, but the moon is down, so it must be past midnight. Banquo then hands his sword to Fleance, who is apparently serving as his father’s squire. Banquo also gives Fleance something else, perhaps the belt and sheath for the sword. It appears that Banquo is getting ready to go to bed, and he remarks that “There’s husbandry in heaven; / their candles are all out”. “Husbandry” is thriftiness; Banquo means that heaven has gone to bed, and has put out its “candles” for the night. The moon is down, the night is starless, and there are no street lights in Macbeth’s castle. In short, it’s darker than any dark most of us have ever seen. And within this dark is fear. Banquo is dead tired and feels as heavy as lead, but he’s fighting sleep because he’s afraid of his own thoughts or dreams. He asks the powers above to “Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature / Gives way to in repose!”, but we don’t know exactly what “thoughts” he’s afraid of. A little later he says that he has dreamed of the weird sisters, so maybe he’s been thinking about their prophecies. Perhaps he fears that Macbeth is planning murder. Or he might fear his own thoughts about how he might become the father of kings. Or maybe he’s just been having uncanny thoughts, such as seem to creep up on us in a very dark night, when every bush can be a bear. Whatever fear it is that’s keeping Banquo awake, it’s also made him edgy. When he sees another torch, he takes his sword from Fleance and calls out “Who’s there?’. Logically, he should have nothing to fear within the locked gates of Macbeth’s castle, but he still feels the need to have his sword ready, just in case. But the main factor of this scene is when Macbeth goes in to kill the king of Scotland, and it all starts off with him preparing everything for the kill, until when the bell is rang by lady Macbeth just to make clear that there’s no one there in the castle that is awake apart from lady Macbeth and Macbeth himself.

The audience at this point would be shocked at Macbeth because of the go along of Macbeth with Lady Macbeth; the audience would not be in favour with Macbeth due to going to kill the king. While Macbeth is getting ready to kill the king and is waiting for the thumbs up by his wife at his quiet and peaceful castle something appears in front of him.

Macbeth says: ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee’. This conveys that Macbeth is standing in the corridor of his castle when suddenly he discovers the floating dagger which is in front of him, he is really confused and does not know what to do, he is talking to himself saying is it a false creation of the mind or is it related to the witches, Macbeth says: ‘A dagger of the mind, a false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain’?. The dagger seems to be showing Macbeth the path which he already is in he yet again talk’s to himself, he says: ‘Thou marshall’st me the way that I was going, and a instrument I was to use’, the readers of this play would be saying that the floating dagger is from the evil wayward sisters and they are trying to push Macbeth into killing Duncan. But suddenly within seconds Macbeth looks above to see the dagger once more, he discovers that the dagger he saw earlier is not the same, he discovers that the dagger has gouts of blood on, dipping away on the concrete floor, he says: ‘I see thee still, and, on thy blade and dudgeon, gouts of blood, which was not so before’. He follows the dagger into the hall way up the stairs leading him to the chamber of the king Duncan, where he lays in bed, with the drunken guards a sleep not knowing anything that’s going on beside them. The bell of Macbeth’s house rang; giving Macbeth a signal from Lady Macbeth to let him know that’s everything is fine. Macbeth says: ‘I go, and it is done: the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or hell’, this is showing that Macbeth is ready to go and kill Duncan. Shakespeare wanted the audience to feel very sad and angry with Macbeth of what he has done in this scene and I think that this scene changed the opinions of reader’s likes of Macbeth to dislikes.

In act 2 scene 2, Macbeth seems to find the killing regretful and bad. ‘I’ll go no more: I am afraid, to think what I have done: look on’t again, I dare not.’ This suggests that Macbeth is a timid, terrified, angry, regretful, apologetic and guilty because he was forced and controlled and unwillingly murdered King Duncan. ‘Look on’t again, I dare not’ is suggesting that he’s physically trying to force himself to flash back in his mind what happened but he can’t because he’s scared. ‘I’ll go no more: I am afraid, to think what I have done’ suggests that he’s scared because he killed his sort of father King Duncan who he always honoured and respected, however he unwillingly he killed King Duncan and so Macbeth’s main aim would be to get revenge on his wife because Macbeth ended up with a lot of bad feelings and didn’t want to murder King Duncan at first but he was forced to do it by Lady Macbeth and she tricked Macbeth by saying stuff like you’re a coward and your weak so that Macbeth gets offended and carry out the murder.

Shakespeare’s uses a variety of techniques. The letter ‘I’ gets repeated 4 times. The purpose of this is to tell the readers how Macbeth is feeling and no one else, another of its purpose is to show that Macbeth is saying it which he is saying is more exact and that no one else is saying it. Another technique that Shakespeare uses is rhetorical question, the purpose of this is to make Macbeth think what he done and thing in which he could’ve done to no do etc. The last technique that Shakespeare uses is opinion; this is a great way to let people see how Macbeth feels during that event.

In Shakespeare’s time people were scared of witches and potions; nowadays people aren’t scared of witches so if it happened in a modern time people wouldn’t be that scared whereas if it happened in Shakespeare’s time the audience would find it frightening. Appearance would have a difference people nowadays would were a robe and a wizard hat to represent that they’re witches which would make easy for the audience to identify them.

In olden times they wouldn’t look like this, their would be more like a tramp style, they would look ugly and dirty and it would be much harder to identify who they are, the audience would think that they are beggars and nothing else. The appearance of women also has a big difference nowadays women wears bikini, bras, and skirts whereas in Shakespeare’s time women wore gowns and dresses. Men would dress as women in Shakespeare’s time because there were no women actors because they were weak to make a suggestion whereas if it happened in a modern time there would be women actors and they would have great power.

Also in Shakespeare’s time black magic and unusual form of magic e.g. potions, vials would be more commonly used whereas nowadays they are hardly used. The speeches would have a huge difference compared to Shakespeare’s time, they would use very classic words and they would speak formally in Shakespeare’s time would speak formally instead of slang whereas nowadays slang is more commonly used to get our message across. The use of Technology would also have a massive difference nowadays if it happened in a theatre there would be sound effects, smoke effects, and lightning effects and so on to keep spectators entertained also the performers would have a great advantage to get their message across because of loud voice due to microphone usage. The theatre would be performed live so that people can watch it. If it happened in Shakespeare’s time there would be no use of technology meaning that no sound effects would be used other than instruments, the audience in Shakespeare’s time would find it very difficult on what the performers were saying because there would be no microphone to extend their voice and so the performers voice wouldn’t be that loud, this would make the performers difficult to get their message across and also the spectators would find it hard to hear what they were saying. The acting would also have a major difference if it happened in a modern time the performers would use machine guns, laser weapons rifles etc. Whereas if it happened in Shakespeare’s time the performers would use swords, knifes, bows, magic etc.

In conclusion of this play, I think that the play ‘Macbeth’ written by William Shakespeare is one of the greatest tragic drama’s the world has ever encountered. Macbeth is my favourite drama play of all time and another thing that is attracting the readers is the writer’s use of dramatic techniques to convey his character to the audience. I really like this play due to fascination of kings and queens and most of all the witches, I would recommend this play to other people who have not read it before, it is BRILLIANT! I think that the main cause for Macbeth’s actions inside the play is because of the witches who played an important role in the play to try and convince Macbeth that what the witches were telling, was the truth but also his driving ambition to become king had an effect on him because all he could think of is to become king and this driven him to the driving seat. But not only was his driving ambition of becoming king was the main cause for Macbeths actions, it was also his very ambitious wife who controlled her husband into killing Duncan to become king, she had the main event in her hands and that is when lady Macbeth persuaded Macbeth to murder King Duncan.

I also think that Macbeth was really brave to go along and kill Duncan, and to eventually become king but also I think that he was very stupid and gullible to actually do this because at the end of the play he dies in a painful death and that is because of his driving ambition of becoming king, due to his wife and mainly the witches. Although Macbeth was a good and a well honourable man at the beginning (for example, he was called ‘Brave Macbeth’), he made one big mistake that put him in the worst situation. Right at the beginning he was well respect and honoured by his surroundings. But at the end because he killed King Duncan because he got persuaded due to his ambition, as well as being persuaded to do so by his wife, at the end Macbeth became very disrespectful, and became very cruel because he murdered anyone surrounded by him and because of this he died in a painful death. Macbeth says ‘I will not be afraid of death and bane, Till Birnam forest come to dunsinane.’ This suggests that Macbeth is not afraid to die, also he’s saying that is England and that is Scotland and so come and get me, to the warriors.

I would personally say that Macbeth is a coward because he unwillingly killed King Duncan and also because he had a free will, he could’ve chose the option to reject and to not kill King Duncan. And even though Macbeth had a free choice he didn’t reject Lady Macbeth’s instructions, so I believe he is a coward. I think that Macbeth had changed because practically he showed great respect and treated King Duncan as if it’s his own father and he had good views of him. But he changed because eventually because he murdered King Duncan cowardly because he was controlled by his wife to do so despite Macbeth didn’t want to but he followed her instruction to murder King Duncan. He changed because he killed his own beloved King Duncan when he didn’t want to; this also suggests that Lady Macbeth had influence on Macbeth and that Lady Macbeth is sly and cunning. Macbeth had great power in the background but he couldn’t make use of it to reject what Lady Macbeth instructed him to do. Macbeth was weaker and didn’t have the courage to fight or argue back with his wife. It also suggests that Macbeth was a coward because he obeyed Lady Macbeth’s rule when he didn’t want to.


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